New York City, Greenwich village. En el Cafe Wha? suele cantar Kim Sumeerson, un torrente de voz y de ritmo que hace imposible poder estar sentado en tu sitio mientra ella canta. Nunca he visto nada igual, consigue que el ritmo se te vaya metiendo en el cuerpo desde los pies hasta la cabeza, es imposible no ponerse en pie y bailar. Solo en cafe WHA? he tenido esa sensación escuchando a este prodigio llamado Kim Summerson
New York City, Greenwich Village. In the Cafe Wha? Kim Summerson usually sings, she has a stream of voice and rhythm that make it impossible to be sitting in your place while she sings. I’ve never seen anything like that. She gets the rhythm inside your body from the feet to the head, it is impossible not to stand up and dance. Only at Cafe Wha? I have had that feeling listening to this wonder called Kim Summerson